Field Notes

One Down, Eleven To Go

The first of my monthly mountains has got me excited for more!

One Down, Eleven To Go

Yesterday I completed the first of my monthly mountains - a challenge I've set myself to hike a mountain every month.

It's safe to say the first mountain went down a treat:

馃ゾ I walked 20km

鉀帮笍 Climbed 4 new peaks

馃敟 Burnt 4000 calories

馃摳 Took way too many photos

馃崈 Hit reset after a hectic first month of the year

It was fantastic exploring around Derwent Water, hiking from Cat Bells, to High Spy and back again.

The monthly mountains have become my highlight of the month!

Next month's mountain is already in my sights, and I'll be exploring the Old Man of Coniston!

Make sure to follow my socials to get a sneak peek of the adventure.

Post by:

Izak Jackson Izak Jackson

Izak Jackson

2 min read

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