Field Notes

Monthly Mountains

Throwing out new years resolutions in favour of themes. Why this year is my year of the mountains.

Monthly Mountains

As with many business owners, January is a month of reflection and planning for me.

But on a personal note, this year is going to be special.

I've dubbed it my "year of the mountains."

The goal is to spend more time in my favourite places and to make that happen, I've set a challenge for myself: to hike a mountain every month in 2023.

Tomorrow marks the start of my journey.

I'll be embarking on a 6-hour hike around Cat Bells, High Spy and Dale Head in the Lake District.

The excitement is building and I can't wait to get started.

The stunning views and the feeling of accomplishment that comes with reaching the summit of a mountain are what I look forward to most.

Similarly, with my businesses, the challenge and accomplishment are what drive me, and my goal this year is to strike up conversations with some of my most ideal clients - if you know anyone at Craghoppers, an introduction would be amazing 馃槈

I'm also working on improving my services.

In early February, I'm embarking on a 16 hour outdoor first aid course, to ensure the safety of clients, cast and crew when out in the mountains.

Further to this, I'll be pursuing a mountain leader qualification so I can better guide our productions.

I love the fresh mindset a new year can bring, and I'd love to know your goals for 2023.

Post by:

Izak Jackson Izak Jackson

Izak Jackson

1 min read

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