Field Notes

Taking On The Yorkshire Three Peaks

The 32.9km Yorkshire Three Peaks is as much a mental challenge as a physical one. I'll take on this challenge at the end of March to support the fantastic charity Leeds Mind.

Taking On The Yorkshire Three Peaks

The Yorkshire Three Peaks is a popular hiking challenge that takes you through the beautiful countryside of Yorkshire.

It involves climbing three peaks in one day, covering a total distance of 39.2km and ascending 1,585 meters in elevation.

On March 26th, I will be taking on the Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge with the Mountain Boardroom in support of Leeds Mind, a charity that provides support and guidance for people experiencing mental health difficulties.

The first peak on the challenge is Pen-y-Ghent, standing at 694 meters tall.

The ascent begins with a steep climb through a rocky path, eventually leading to the summit, which offers fantastic views.

The second peak is Whernside, the highest of the three at 736 meters tall.

After a gradual climb through grassy slopes, with impressive views of the Ribblehead Viaduct below, you're rewarded with a stunning panorama of the Yorkshire Dales.

The final peak on the challenge is Ingleborough, standing at 723 meters tall.

There's a steep climb up a rocky staircase, eventually leading to a plateau with incredible views of the surrounding landscape.

I am excited to take on this challenge in support of Leeds Mind, a charity that provides critical support and guidance for those experiencing mental health difficulties. The challenge is also a way for me to push myself to new limits.

My longest hike so far is 28km in a day, and that was over a decade ago!

To support our fundraising efforts for Leeds Mind, you can visit the Mountain Boardrooms JustGiving page to donate.

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Izak Jackson Izak Jackson

Izak Jackson

1 min read

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