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One Step Further: A Solo Adventure In The Yorkshire Dales

Seven years after my last solo adventure in Berlin, I'm embarking on a solo micro adventure in the Yorkshire Dales, rediscovering the liberating freedom and self-discovery that only comes from journeying alone.

One Step Further: A Solo Adventure In The Yorkshire Dales

It's been seven years since my last solo adventure back in Berlin.

Since then, most of my travels have been shared — with friends, with my partner Sadie, or for work.

But this past weekend, I felt a pull. A yearning for the kind of adventure you can only find when you're completely alone.

So, I packed up my car and headed into the Yorkshire Dales for a weekend of green laning, camping, and paddleboarding.

There's something about solo adventures that's just... different.

You have complete freedom. You're in control, making your own decisions, choosing your own path. It's liberating in a way that's hard to describe.

Camping in the heart of the Dales was a highlight. There's a kind of peacefulness there that you won't find anywhere else. It's just you and nature — the wind rustling the grass, the distant call of a bird, the perfect summer sun warming your skin.

This was also my first time tackling a green lane - one of the reasons I bought my Jimny last year. It was a phenomenal experience, one that I'm now hooked on.

Being able to drive out into locations that would take a day to hike is quite liberating. Exploring areas where there's no one else, only sheep and wildlife as far as you can see.

I've captured this adventure in a short film, which you can find below.

It's a bit different from my usual content, more personal, more introspective. But I think it's a great representation of what a solo adventure can be — the challenges, the beauty, and the freedom.

I'm excited to share this journey with you. It's a side of the Yorkshire Dales that you might not have seen before. And, more than that, it's a reminder of the joy of solo adventuring.

So, when was the last time you went on a solo adventure? Maybe it's time for another.

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Izak Jackson Izak Jackson

Izak Jackson

1 min read

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