Field Notes

Exploring the Old Man Of Coniston

Exploring the stunning landscapes and towering peaks of Coniston amidst ever changing weather. The perfect photography hike.

Exploring the Old Man Of Coniston

Another month, another mountain conquered. Coniston was simply breathtaking this weekend!

Our adventure began at the Walna Scar car park at 9:45 am. The weather was promising, and we were excited about what the day had in store for us.

We set off towards Brown Pike, enjoying the bright sunshine and stunning views along the way. After a tiring climb up the peak, we started our way across to Buck Pike and Dow Crag.

At the peak of Dow Crag, the weather changed suddenly, and snow started to come down.

We continued to The Old Man Of Coniston and Cairn, trying not to get blown away. The wind was fierce, and we were pelted with snow and hail intermittently.

Despite the challenging weather conditions, we persevered and were rewarded with breathtaking photo opportunities.

The stunning landscape and the changing weather made for an unforgettable experience.

The 7-hour hike was no easy feat, but we managed to cover a distance of 17km and conquered five peaks in one day. My calves are still burning, but the sense of achievement is worth every bit of pain.

As we plan for our next hike, I am reminded that the journey towards achieving our goals is not always easy, but the rewards are always worth it. I look forward to the challenge of the Yorkshire Three Peaks at the end of March and the adventures that lie ahead.

Stay tuned for more updates on my hiking journey and more information on my Yorkshire Three Peaks Challenge!

Post by:

Izak Jackson Izak Jackson

Izak Jackson

2 min read

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