SUP Adventures Filmmaking & Photography Workshops


SUP Adventures

We helped SUP Adventures navigate the complex world of content marketing by breaking down technical jargon and equipping them with the necessary skills to produce effective brand content.

SUP Adventures are qualified and experienced stand up paddleboarding instructors, sharing their passion and love for rivers, lakes and oceans.

We had the pleasure of working with SUP Adventures to help them develop their knowledge and understanding of content marketing so that they could better showcase the services and experiences they offer to their customers.

Their Problem

Before working with us, SUP Adventures faced a challenge in effectively producing engaging content that would resonate with its customers.

They lacked expertise in photography, video production, and content strategy, which limited their ability to create high-quality visual content.

As a result, they struggled to showcase the unique experiences they offered and communicate the value of their services to their audience.

They recognised the need to upskill their team in these areas to improve their content creation and engage their customers better.

"We wanted to spend a number of consultancy hours with Izak in order to learn how to create content at an entry level."

Our Solution

In a comprehensive half-day workshop, we empowered SUP Adventures with the knowledge and skills to produce compelling visual content that aligns with its brand's messaging and goals.

We started by collaborating with their team to determine the most effective types of content for their specific brand before diving into the technical aspects of filmmaking and photography.

By demystifying the theory behind these mediums, we provided SUP Adventures with a solid foundation of knowledge that they could build on to create impactful content.

Through hands-on exercises, we guided their team in creating their first pieces of content, providing real-time feedback and support to ensure they felt confident and capable in their new skills.

"We're really pleased with what we learned, and we enjoyed a spontaneous discussion about what makes for adopting a useful framework for filming and a number of rules (some to be broken). Izak guided me practically around the subject matter."

The Results

After attending our half-day consultancy workshop, SUP Adventures was equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to create high-quality content that resonated with its target audience.

They were able to develop a clear content strategy and produce their first pieces of content, which resulted in increased engagement and interest from their customers.

By partnering with us, SUP Adventures was able to take its content to the next level and showcase its unique paddle boarding experiences in a more compelling and visually appealing way.

5 out of 5 stars

“I spent a number of consultancy hours with LATITUDE53 and they patiently and enthusiastically debunked what is a highly technical subject. I cam away confident with what I had learned. Fabulous afternoon and highly recommended.”

Simon Palmer
Founder @ SUP Adventures