Mountain Boardroom Filmmaking & Photography Workshops


Mountain Boardroom

We developed engaging lifestyle photography for Mountain Boardroom to effectively communicate its brand story and messaging through imagery on its social media channels and website.

Mountain Boardroom utilises the great outdoors to guide and coach business owners, helping them to excel through the myriad of trials and challenges they may face.

We had the pleasure of working with Mountain Boardroom to capture stunning photographs of their founder, Anthony Ackers, alongside his clientele, aiming to provide Mountain Boardroom with a visual representation of what it truly means to work with Anthony, showcasing his professionalism, expertise, and dedication to his craft.

Their Problem

Mountain Boardroom faced significant challenges in capturing the essence of their one-on-one and group coaching sessions with founder Anthony Ackers.

Despite using stock photography and mobile photography, the images fell short in representing the brand's unique story and messaging.

The lack of professional photography left them struggling to effectively communicate the exceptional experiences clients could expect when working with Anthony and the Mountain Boardroom team.

"Working outdoors myself, I needed someone who understood how to operate in that environment, and to use nature and the conditions to promote the brand."

Our Solution

Collaborating closely with Anthony, we developed a customized photography solution that aligned with Mountain Boardroom's brand values and objectives.

After a thorough consultation, we determined that a documentary-style lifestyle photography approach would best capture his coaching sessions' authentic and distinctive elements.

To bring this vision to life, we spent half a day with Anthony and his clients in the picturesque hills, expertly capturing a range of images in diverse settings, all with the goal of showcasing the unique experiences and benefits that clients can expect from working with the Mountain Boardroom.

We provided the resulting photographs in various formats, ensuring that they were optimised for multiple platforms, such as their website, print materials, and social media channels.

Our tailored photography solution equipped Mountain Boardroom with a versatile and comprehensive visual asset library to better convey its brand story and messaging to prospective clients.

"Izak set me at ease from the outset - before the shoot, he let me know what to expect, and worked closely to understand what I needed, and offer his experience of what would and wouldn't work."

The Results

Since working with us, Mountain Boardroom has experienced a significant improvement in its ability to convey its brand messaging and values through visual assets effectively.

Our tailored approach to photography has also allowed Mountain Boardroom to showcase its unique brand identity and messaging more effectively, resulting in a more cohesive and compelling brand image.

5 out of 5 stars

“The shoot was fun and really unobtrusive when we were shooting with the group. And the results... amazing - I love the photos and LATITUDE53 absolutely nailed the style of the brand. Thank you!”

Anthony Ackers
Founder @ Mountain Boardroom